Berticuss — and FiniteResources

Andrew Parsons
6 min readMar 8, 2021


— — The Passive Aggressive Bully Parasite— —

The explaining to his now trained non critical thinking audience went on for hours.

What do you call a bloke (One of her Moderators FiniteResources) who passive aggressively bullies a female streamer (Berticuss/Brit) in her chat and in her dms for months, because she wont do, be what he wants her to do and be and then uses PTSD and sarcasm as the excuse for being a nasty obsessive asshole?

A Parasite — : “someone or something that resembles a biological parasite in living off of, being dependent on, or exploiting another while giving little or nothing in return” — “parasites are typically much smaller than their hosts, do not kill them, and often live in, on or off their hosts for an extended period”

“Parasite also applies to one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence.”

It got so bad, she was so uncomfortable, he had to “explicitly discuss his ‘sarcasm’ with Brit”- Sneaky code for convincing her its not what it looks like — It’s just a nasty comment disguised as a joke, “love and support”

What do you call a community who enables and defends a creature (FiniteResources) who has been passive aggressive bullying a female streamer(their streamer Berticuss/Brit) in her chat and in her dms for months, because she wont do, be what he wants her to do and be, who then uses PTSD and sarcasm as the excuse for why he is being a nasty obsessive asshole?

Coward — : “one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity”

Complicit — : “helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way”

What do you call a group of real offline friends who enables and defends a creature (FiniteResources) who has been passive aggressive bullying a female streamer(their *friend* Brit) in her chat and in her dms for months, because she wont do, be what he wants her to do and be and then uses PTSD and sarcasm as the excuse for being a nasty obsessive asshole?

Complicit — : “helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way”

Coward — : “one who shows disgraceful fear or timidity”

She is now doing exactly what that creature (FiniteResources) wants her to do, because she’s been broken down by this passive aggressive bullying to the point where she has given in to her captor(s) (Stockholm Syndrome), and where she now thinks what he has been doing to her for months is just “love and support” and you all witnessed it, let it happen and said nothing, you complicit cowards.

Brit has mentioned many times she doesn’t like confrontation and she tries to avoid it — she has also mentioned being in relationships in the past when she was young, with men in person, who were physically and mentally abusing her . That parasite (FiniteResources) has used that against her and is doing it to her online and he’s being helped — pay attention to which small newish streamers chat on twitch FiniteResources frequents the most besides Brits, and is very chummy with. More to come on that parasite in part 2

Stockholm syndrome — :
“Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may be formed between captors and captives, during intimate time together, but these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims.”

It is a survival strategy in which victims of hostage or abuse develop a sense of trust, affection, or compassion for their kidnapper or perpetrator over time and often defend and have cover stories for their predators offending.

Go through her vods before that parasite(FiniteResources)showed up and look at her vods now…LOOK at her face when he types some “sarcasm” at her, its affecting her, she’s visibly uncomfortable. It’s absolutely clear it’s not a joke, its an insult disguised as a joke designed to remind her who’s the boss. This is what passive aggressive bullies do to control their non confrontational victim (Brit) and he’s been doing way worse in her discord dms.

Get yourself chaterino or bttv and see the deleted comments she gets from alt accounts, when she refuses to do what he wants her to do and then, in anger, runs off to “make calls”. He’s not running off to make calls — within a minute of him running off to ‘make calls’, Brit receives the vilest comments in her chat. This goes on for several minutes — until ‘CapPissStain America’ reappears, swoops in with his shinny cyber sword and his keyboard and saves the day. Showing his victim (Brit)how valuable he is to her, and she really only needs to rely on him and no one else.

What i’ve been witnessing for 7–8 months is incredible. 1–2k people, every stream, so called “good vibes”- “there for Brit” people too busy staring at Brit, lusting for her, than they are paying attention to what is happening right in front of their eyes in the chat, on her face, in her discord. And those who are seeing what is happening to her are watching it happen and saying nothing. You people should be ashamed, she’s meant to be your streamer, you should care what is happening to her, even if it is one of her disgraceful mods (FiniteResources), who you’re scared of because he intimidates you, doing it to her. You are all ok with that absolute filth of humanity systematically abusing and terrorising Brit. YOU are all supposed to be looking out for her, not letting these parasites just walk in take over her life. Because that is what’s happening right before your eyes. He’s been terrorising her for months, to break her down with the end goal being to control her, make her do what he wants, give him access to her computer, her twitch account and so on. — whether it be online or offline in person, it’s still domestic abuse.

Do your own research on what a “ Passive Aggressive Bully” is and what they do to people, good people, like Brit. Then do your research on FiniteResources. Brits other mods, those moderators not already brainwashed by this parasite should be going through his chat logs. You will see the horrible, mean things he’s been saying to Brit to get her to do what he wants, that he disguises as “sarcasm” — I guarantee you, its way, way worse in her dms and there is probably no Kappa emote at the end of it.

Because as far as he is concerned — as long as you put a Kappa emote at the end of it, no matter how horrible it is, it’s just a joke. (Just a JK)

Also check his story — it’s shady — not buying the whole “Work from home” story and also moderating 6–8 hours constantly staring at Brit and the chat during US work hours at the same time, it just doesn't add up. Passive Aggressive Bullies are also compulsive liars.

Viewer, you need to smarten up and be more aware of what is going on around you. If you see something and it doesn’t sit right with you, even if these parasites are feeding you, explaining to you a different narrative, telling you to “stop thinking so hard” over and over to cover it up, it’s probably not right — question it, call it out, and help her get rid of these parasites living vicariously through her. Especially pay close attention to new moderators who move up the ranks quicker than any other moderators.

“Don’t think so hard. It’s playful and in good fun” passive aggressive bullying — this wasn’t for that user, this was for members of that community who might have started questioning the conversation being had.

Opposing critical thinking (Don’t think so hard)— Parasites like FiniteResources convince members of the community they have latched onto, to forfeit their critical thinking ability (Don’t think so hard) to be able to critically analyze complex issues, like passive aggressive bullying of a woman, in return for a sense of belonging, authority, and purpose.

I’ve witnessed this happen time after time on many video chat/streaming platforms, and if you don’t identify, address and fix the problem a soon as you spot it, it never ends well for anyone.

You lose your streamer, she the streamer loses the job she used to love, you the offline friends lose your friend, and the parasites move on to another host to start the cycle over.


Berticuss’ Discord channel



Andrew Parsons
Andrew Parsons

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